This Privacy Policy describes the policies and procedures of NORTHGATE LAW GROUP FZ-LLC regarding the collection, use, and disclosure of information. By using our Services, you consent to the collection, transfer, manipulation, storage, disclosure, and other uses of your information as described in this Privacy Policy.

If you have any questions or comments about this Privacy Policy, please contact us at

Information Collected When you submit your CV, you provide us with personal information, including your name, gender, address, mobile number, photograph, and email address. This information will only be used for skill matching purposes in relation to vacancy review at NORTHGATE LAW GROUP FZ-LLC.

Protection of Personal Information NORTHGATE LAW GROUP FZ-LLC takes precautions, including administrative, technical, and physical measures, to safeguard your personal information against loss, theft, and misuse, as well as unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, and destruction.

Third-Party Sites & Services NORTHGATE LAW GROUP FZ-LLC will not knowingly share your personal information with any third-party sites and services. To ensure the security of your personal information, we communicate our privacy and security guidelines to our employees and strictly enforce privacy safeguards within the company.